Transforming a simple story, personal experience, or event into a captivating TV drama or theatre production requires a special skillset. Acclaimed actor, writer, director, and teacher Kwezi Kaganda Ruhinda joins Flavia Tumusiime on MultiChoice’s Home of Our Stars to divulge the creative process behind crafting unforgettable characters and bringing them to life on stage and on screen.
In 1989, the arts industry was still in its infancy, and passion, not profit, drove its pioneers. Kwezi Kaganda Ruhinda was among the first to join the Ebonies and Drama Wing, where he honed his craft in both acting and musicals, laying the foundation for his future in the performing arts.
However, the harsh realities of the industry soon set in. “I left the Ebonies in 1992 due to the challenges of making a living as an actor,” Kwezi recalls. “Fame didn’t translate to financial stability, so I switched to teaching rather than struggle.”
This decision led him to Namasagali College, where he had once been a student. “The unconventional teaching methods, based on talent rather than traditional curriculum, fascinated me,” he reminisces. “When my acting career stalled, I returned to Namasagali as a teacher, thanks to an invitation from a former university lecturer to direct and produce plays for their annual production. This eventually blossomed into a permanent role.”
Kwezi’s passion for acting never faded, and he eventually found his way back to the stage. “Even as a teacher, I couldn’t resist th